Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Let's Look...

Here we are, half way into January! I've made it past quitters day (yay!) and I'm hoping that these low level goals stick for the remainder of the year.

I'm linking up with Shay and Erika to share some low level goals I have for myself this year...

I will say that my word of the year, focus, is my main goal. I think making lofty goals are unrealistic and also why does January 1st mean we have to put the pressure on ourselves. Here are a few things I really want to focus on this year...

My family. I'm so fortunate to stay home with my kids. However, I want to focus on the time I have with them. I want to treasure the time I have with them. Spend time in their classroom. Have meaningful conversations in all the time we spend together in the car. Take time away from things that "need to be done" and play with Charlee while it's just the two of us in the afternoons. 

My husband. This year we have been married for 10 years. I want to make sure that Travis has no question that I'm still head over heels for him. I want to focus on him when we're together! 

My health. I'm on a health journey that I need to focus on to better my own health. I want to be able to show my kids that it's good to workout and put healthy things into our bodies. I want to be able to run and play with my kids without getting tired. I want to be able to go on vacation and hike without feeling exhaustion. I want to feel good about this body I have, since this is the only one I'm getting. And, I want to do it the right way by working hard and focusing on how I'm taking care of it. 

Friends. I'm a true believer that quality is better than quantity. I have some really amazing friends so I want to focus on those friendships!

What are some of your low level goals you have for yourself this year? 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Peyton {8}

 Happy birthday, Peyton William!

It's hard to believe that he is eight. This past year was full of changes for our boy but he's done so great!
He goes to a new school and has flourished. He played basketball for the first time and he was so fun to watch! He loved playing and I see a lot more in our future. He also got his tonsils out this year and it was rough for a few weeks.

Peyton is an old sole, with the most caring heart. He loves hard and doesn't want to upset or disappoint anyone! We love this boy so much!

Here are some of our favorite pictures form the year....

We hope eight is the best year yet!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday Favorites

 Hello and happy Friday, friends! We made it through our first week back to school. I will say that as much as I love having my kids at home, being back in a routine is so nice! 

Here's some favorites from our week.

Colson's favorite time of the week is when he gets to play sports. For that, I'm thankful he's playing year round baseball. He loves hitting lessons with his Coach Paul and it's doing so good for him!

I'm doing my best to get my steps in and the easiest way for me to do that is walk after I drop the kids off. It's Daisy's favorite too. She loves when I take her on walks!

I added a weighted vest and it's amazing! This one has great reviews and I love that it's small. I got a 12 pound vest and it's a great weight to start with.

My least favorite part of my week was when this girl scratched her eye with a bone! What?! That required an emergency vet least it's expected to heal and she'll be good as new after a week of antibiotic!

The little ones had an impromptu play date after school one day and had the BEST time! Thankful for friends that live close so things like this can happen.

The most heartbreaking scene from California this week. I can't even begin to imagine this. Praying for all of those who have been affected by this terrible fire. Praying for those who are fighting the fire. And praying for those who are making decisions on when the right time to leave behind their homes. Praying for rain, lots and lots of rain. 

I hope you've all had a wonderful week. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Focus...word of the year for 2025

 For the past few years, I've focused on one word through out the year. Last year my word was family. I needed to make sure my family of five was my priority. I needed to set boundaries with other family members and even friends. I can tell you that since having those boundaries in place, it has made a huge difference. I was better about saying no to things that would take me away from my family so I had more time at home with them. It was great! Moving forward, I have set my priorities so it will be much easier to focus on what truly matters.

This year, I want to be focused. There are so many areas of my life that I give half effort to. My hope is that when I'm reminded that I need to focus on whatever I'm doing in the moment, it will help me to give 100% to whatever task I'm working on. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

the 2025 color of the year...mocha mousse

 It's a new year which means Pantone has chosen a new color of the year. This year's color is soft and warm that can easily be added to anyones closet or home. This year's color...

Mocha Mousse is a warm brown hue full of richness. I love that it is a neutral that can be added to our everyday outfits and homes. 
Here are a few things I found while searching the internet for this year's color....

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Charlee's Bedroom...the vision

It was time for Charlee to get her own room. She's shared a room with Peyton for several years and it was time. The boys are back together. It just makes sense to give the boys a room to display legos and play video games and give Charlee a "girl" room. 

Here is the vision we came up with for her new and improved bedroom!

curtain rod // curtain // purple lamp // light switch plate // unicorn print // ice cream print // bow print // book shelf // scallop lamp (no longer available) // night stand // bed // comforter cover // sheets // shams // hanging plant // paint color - I colored matched Farrow and Ball Middleton Pink at Sherwin Williams.

Stay tuned for all the fun to come!