Wednesday, August 7, 2024

San Diego 2024

 Happy Wednesday, friends!!! We're just getting back into the swing of things this week. Football started and Colson had middle school orientation. School is just around the corner.

We took a family trip to San Diego last weekend and had the best time! 
I'm going to share all the fun today...

This trip was Charlee's first time on an airplane. She was so excited leading up to it but after we landed in San Diego, I asked her how it was and she told me it was boring!

Flying in style....

We landed and dropped our bags off at the hotel before heading straight to the Midway. Peyton loves watching Midway so this was highly anticipated. 

All of the kids had a great time.

Thankfully they were let out of the Brig to enjoy the rest of our trip...

I was so impressed with all the interactive things for the kids to do. They were engaged the entire time and earned their junior pilot wings.

The Midway was Peyton's favorite part of our vacation.

We headed to the first game of our trip!

A victory walk to get some ice cream!

Saturday morning we toured the ballpark. I love taking these tours. Anytime you go to a ballpark or stadium, I encourage you to tour it. You can learn so much about them.

It's also really fun to see the field from different angles. This was from the broadcast room.

The suits at home plate have a view of the batting cages. 

A good impersonation of Buddy Black, the Rockies manager.

And sitting where Charlie Blackman sits. :) 

I can't explain the happiness I feel when I'm at a baseball game. 
I'm so glad we get to experience this as a family. 

We went with our friends, the Perry's but didn't more than this picture together!

Colson got to see his dream shoes in person but we quickly walked away when they told me the price!

We had a little down time so the little kids swam in the pool...

While we drank some fancy drinks poolside! 

Back at the ballpark for another game!

Life with Travis is so fun!

The Padres won but it was still a fun game!

Colson even came home with a signed baseball!

On Sunday, we took the kids to the ocean. None of them had seen the ocean before and watching the joy it brought to them was my favorite part! They could have stayed at the beach the entire weekend.

I married a beach lover and now we have three beach loving kids!

They all took turns getting buried in the sand.

While Mom and Dad just enjoyed the beach.

We went to a beach on Coronado Island and then ate lunch on the island before heading back to the hotel. We loved Coronado Island and if we ever went back to San Diego, we'd stay on the island. It was much cleaner and there was a lot of small mom and pop shops.

Both of the boys came home with new hats!

Charlee is never going to let us leave her at home again. She is hooked on vacations! 

My seat mate home on the plane was a very handsome captain! 

We packed as much as possible into this fast vacation but we all had so much fun!

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