Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekend Recap

 Happy Monday, friends! I hope you've had a great weekend. Ours was extra special because this boy is finally home! He returned on Saturday and we couldn't be happier. We picked him up from the airport!

Charlee Jo had a sleepover with Nana and Papa. She loves having morning coffee with Nana!

Colson was tired! He had to get up really early to catch his flight in Tennessee and then I think the last weeks caught up to him. He did a lot of this over the weekend...

We have a corn field behind the house and these were our visitors over the weekend!

Peyton spent the weekend with his buddy in Cascade. They went camping and had so much fun. They stay right on the river so they get to play and ride bikes through camp. It's the best time for him.

He loves to fish and spent most of the weekend fishing!

I hope you had a great weekend. We're having another low key week over here and enjoying time with Colson now that he's home!

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