Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Last Day of School 2024

 I love to document that first and last day of school and look back to see how much the kids have grown. This school year was big; Charlee Jo graduated from preschool and she's headed to kindergarten this fall. Colson graduated from 5th grade and is headed to middle school in the fall.

Charlee's last day!

I love this time with her. We've decided to put her in a school with half day kindergarten and I couldn't be happier about it. I know once she's in school full time, it goes so fast!

She requested La Costa for lunch with mom and dad for her last day!

And she talked her Daddy into ice cream...

That evening, we went to graduation.

Mrs. Lindley has been such a great teacher for Charlee. She was lucky enough to have Mrs. Lindley two years. She held Charlee everyday for her first year and really helped her to grow in confidence and make friends her second year. Forever grateful for amazing teachers like her.

These boards are so special to me. They are full of the cutest projects and fingerprints.

I was extra emotional on this night. It's sad when your baby is reaching these milestones. 
It's also very exciting!

So many supporters!

She did such a great job on stage singing and performing.

Proud of our girl!

Next up...Colson's graduation! I took all of two pictures. I was in charge of putting together the graduation and when I sat down, I just soaked it all in.

Back in January, the 5th grade students had a contest for their graduation shirts. I asked Colson to please draw something and his drawing ended up winning. I was so proud of him and his talent! It's fun to see an entire class wearing a shirt that your son designed. Colson has had a great time at Shadow Butte and made so many amazing friends. His teachers have been wonderful and this year his principal was the best! Middle school makes me nervous but I know he's going to have the best time and excel!

Last day of school and these kids were ready for SUMMER!

Peyton had a great year in first grade. His teacher, Mrs. Dill, was the best! She really connected with Peyton and he loved being in her class.

Colson had the same teacher he had for fourth grade, Mrs. Garcia. We love her and were so excited to have another year with her. Not only was it Colson's last day of fifth grade but also of elementary school. That was emotional for this mama.

And of course we had to get ice cream to celebrate SUMMER!

Next year we are making big changes. We're excited, nervous, and trusting God that these changes are what is best for our family. Stay tuned!

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