Thursday, June 22, 2023

Patriotic Decor

When I think of summer, I instantly think of red, white, blue, and baseball. So as soon as memorial day hits, I love incorporating those things into our home. I thought I'd share our home for summer...

Everything is old and things I've collected over the years. I fill our home to the max at Christmas time but the rest of the year, I like to change out a few things. It's usually very simple and not much stuff.

I change out the chalkboard seasonally and a baseball saying seemed fitting.

I love seasonal napkins so I put some on the table to grab.

I also set out the baseball park book. I love this book, it has all the different ballparks. It tells the history of them and it's a friendly reminder just how many parks we have left to visit.

I realize that I don't have any of our summer / patriotic books out in the basket yet.

I put out a few red, white, and blue pieces on the shelves to add some color.

The kitchen is very simple. A few seasonal kitchen towels, flags, and my tiered stand to call it good.

I find that I am more productive with less stuff and more counter space...

I also added my very favorite plate that the boys made several years ago. It's broke, I've glued it back together, and I still love pulling it out every year.

I would still love to find a red, white, and blue throw blanket and I'm always on the hunt for seasonal books. Patriotic decorations just makes me so happy!

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