Friday, December 2, 2022

Halloween 2022

Halloween keeps getting better. The kids were really into it this year and it was fun to watch them go door to door and trick or treat!

The school did all of their celebrations last week so the day or Halloween was relatively calm.

We started the day with spooky donuts!

And I quickly realized that no amount of coffee would prepare me for the day ahead! However, a friend dropped off the most perfect Halloween mug for me!

After school we changed and headed out to trick or treat.

We met up with friends…

We ended the night at Nana and Papa’s house with cousins.

We had a great Halloween!

And because I love looking back…here are some of my favorites from previous years…

We clearly have a thing for Toy Story!

And my favorite costume of Charlee’s!

I hope you had a great Halloween!

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