Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Monday, I mean Tuesday! This short weeks always through me off! I hope you had a great weekend.

I started my weekend with pumpkin spice and my Husky Blue! 

Sister and I finished our PTO board at the boys’ school. Well, almost finish! We have a couple things to add.

The little ones helped Dad for a few minutes on Friday.

I’m so happy we brought this boy home! He’s really come a long way since he joined our family! I wasn’t sure he’d ever come out of hiding!

Saturday we enjoyed family! We have family in town from South Carolina and my parents had a bbq.

Several of us got up bright and early on Sunday to attend the Spirit of Boise balloon festival!

I love this crew!

My nephew thought the balloons were the coolest thing!

I’m thankful for help pulling that wagon of kids! 😉 

Hallie joined us and we headed straight for church!

We made it just in time!

After waking up so early, the kids and I took a nice nap!

An evening drive with my love!

Sunday was very productive. And my grandma came over to work on some more sewing projects!

We just had Charlee and our friends asked us to go on a cruise so we loaded up. Charlee joined us for a double date!

It wasn’t long before she was asleep!

We had the best dinner and cruise back home. Through farm land. It’s just so peaceful!

Books and bed and hopefully ready for a new week!

I hope you had the best weekend!

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