Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! We’ve made it through the first week of school. Yay! We’re also struggling to keep a cold out of our house. Dang germs! We did have some great highlights from our week!

Talks with GG are everyone’s favorite! These two were chatting all about school.

My favorite part of kindergarten orientation was when he grabbed my hand to hold. Not to big for Mom and that makes me all kinds of happy!

The boys are attending a different school than Colson did last year and seeing him adjust so easily is my favorite!

Remembering Peyton’s glasses is my favorite. It hasn’t happened everyday. Oops!

I told the boys I was going to pick up and drop off for school for at least the first week but they begged and I figured that if it makes them excited for school, why not!? Putting them both on the bus for the first time….it’s one of their favorite parts of going to school!

And walks to the bus stop with this cutie are my favorite!

I think being an only child during the day is Charlee’s favorite! She got to go to lunch with just Mom and Dad!

I’ve been at the school daily to work on PTO stuff and Charlee helped me one day. Her favorite part was when Papa showed up!

As soon as I pulled out of the school parking lot sister was asleep! I do love that I have a couple hours in the afternoon while she naps to get some things done!

Getting these two off the bus and hearing all about their day is my favorite!! Colson is the best big brother and is the first to ask Peyton about his day.

All day kindergarten is exhausting! Snuggles with Mom and Doggie has been Peyton’s favorite this week.

My uncle dropped off some cucumbers and these two begged for one! I love that my Uncle is still gardening from my Grandpa’s garden! 

Snuggles with Miles and sister one morning was a favorite. She’s been fighting a cold and so we’re having a very slow week! No complaints from me!

I hope you have a great weekend! We’re off to football!

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