Happy Monday, friends! I’m sharing some highlights from our weekend…
Started our weekend off with our favorite new game and…
donuts from Hallie and Bowen!!
These cute superheroes delivered donuts to the neighbors!
Bowen and I watched opening day here…
While Travis watched the game from here!
The kids and I went to dinner with family and then Nana and Papa treated us to ice cream!

Saturday morning was full of errands including new shoes for all the kids. I asked them for a picture with their shoes and you can't even see one child's. #normal
Love this cutie!

We watched baseball in the cold. Our team did a great job and Colson had an awesome game!
I love watching him play all sports, but baseball is my favorite!

An extra kid and a movie night, it was a good night!

We started a puzzle after church on Sunday and this girl was no help at all...

but she pulled her weight with Sunday chores!

We attempted a nap but was interrupted...

When Dad got home!!!

We all had a great weekend but we're so excited to have Dad home with us after being gone.
I hope you have a great Monday!
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