Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to talk a little bit about what's been going on around here!
Well, it's only Wednesday and we've had tacos twice this week. I made a lot of ground beef for Charlee's birthday party so I froze the left over taco meat and just finished it up on Monday. It made it so easy during the week to just pull out a bag and heat it up. If you are a Costco need to pick up this taco tray next time. It's our favorite. Again, so easy for during the week when I don't really want to cook.
This past weekend we went to Cascade and it had me thinking about six years ago...
Same place, same great man! Before we headed off to get married we spent some time in Cascade. Life looks a little differently six years later...
And I love it so much!!!
I love having my kids in the kitchen with me! Peyton helped me make a cake last week for his babysitter. It was so much fun to having him helping me every step of the way!
We're spending as much time outside as possible. It's in the 100s this week so I'm not sure we'll be out as much until the temps drop a little but the kids have been having so much fun!
Like I mentioned above...the weather is going to be in the 100s all week and I'm not looking forward to it at all!!! is it almost JULY?! Where has summer gone. It seems to be flying by. I'm trying my best to enjoy all the time with the kids.
Charlee Jo decided she was done with diapers and wanted to start going on the potty. Not the perfect timing but, okay, let's do this sister! So far, it's been three weeks and she does so good. She still has an occasional accident but for the most part, she does great!
She had the best support system...her brothers cheered her on!
And I'm happy to report that I no longer drive around with a potty in the back of my car. :)
You guys, I hit the fence at our house with my car in April and I just took it to the shop this morning to get it fixed! I'm so excited to have my car back without a huge gash in the bumper. It got so bad we had to tape it back together. I can't believe I did that but so glad to have it fixed.
Colson has been reading so much this summer! I love watching his love for reading expand. He ordered some new books recently and he spent all day waiting....they finally showed up and he read for two hours. The kid loves it!
I recently started Fly Away and it's so good. Firefly Lane was the first book and it's one of my favorites. I'm excited to have some time to finish this in the next couple of days.

I've been trying to listen to more podcasts and one of my favorites is Courtney Beyond the Cake. She is who I learned all of my cake skills from but she has so much more to offer. I love listening to her!
I feel like I have a swimming suit on most days...
Nothing really. Just trying to enjoy summer, stay cool, and hang out with all of our friends!
Celebrating six years of marriage to this man....
Our original plans were changed but no matter what I'm doing, I'm just glad it's with Travis!
Celebrating the 4th of July and watching there a better way?!
I hope you've had a great June! Happy Wednesday, friends!
Happy six year anniversary. Wishing you many more blessed years. Yay for getting your car fixed and no more potties in the back of your car. Enjoy the Fourth.
Happy 6 year anniversary!!! And I hope you stay cool in the heat. We have a heat warning today and I'm not loving it :(
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