June has been such a busy month for us. This is the first week that we don't have something planned everyday and it's a nice change. I documented the first day of summer in pictures...
4:30 // Wake up call and headed to the gym!
6:15 // Home and changing out the laundry. I try and do something productive when I get home from the gym. Some mornings, I just sit and drink my coffee while I wait for Travis to get up.

COFFEE! The best part of my morning.

7:30 // showered and ready for my day!

Dishes while making breakfast for all the kiddos.

Peyton is always the first one up. He's my morning buddy.

Breakfast for me..

Ahhh, look who joined us!

All three up and ready to go!

Donuts because it's the first day of summer!
We ate them at Dad's office.

Then, we headed to the grocery store to pick up a couple things.

My grandpa had been in rehab for three weeks after having a stroke but was headed home so the kids made a sign to hang up...

All of Grandpa Les's great grandkids!

An afternoon coffee pick-me-up!

While I was in the kitchen...the kids were playing baseball in the living room.

This one is never far away from me!


Waiting for Colson to get his haircut.

So handsome!

The littles are down for a nap....
I did a little blogging..

A very quick dinner....

Off to the ballfield to watch Colson play baseball!

The boys didn't win but we still went out for ice cream!

Colson was taking care of the neighbors cat while they were on vacation...

One last snuggle before lights out around 10. It was a later night than usual because of the baseball game. This particular day was busy but so good!

Happy Tuesday, friends!
Happy Tuesday, friends!
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