Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends. This week has been heavy but I still managed to have some favorites to share with you!

Travis had a birthday on Monday and making a cake with little helpers was my favorite!

Preschool drop off is my FAVORITE! We get there early and this cutie talks my ear off, I love it!

Preschool pick up is Charlee Jo’s FAVORITE!

Visits to Papa Kim’s job sight is Peyton’s FAVORITE!
Also, check out the view...

Naps with my Peyton are my FAVORITE!

Pushing Peyton’s buttons are this girl’s FAVORITE! Backpack, doggy, and blanket...

Reading is Charlee’s FAVORITE!

Colson is Charlee’s FAVORITE!

Her climbing skills aren’t my FAVORITE! 

Surprise visits from Papa are everyone’s FAVORITE!

One on one time is my FAVORITE, especially when it involves coffee...

I’ve gotten extra snuggles from this girl this week and they’re my FAVORITE!

These flowers are my FAVORITE from the week. I love fresh flowers but I love the thought behind them. Surround yourself with people who will love you through every season of life. It means so much.

I was finishing up this post, well past bedtime and this cutie strolled in. I couldn’t send him back to bed without some snuggles first! I can’t believe my FAVORITE three year old is going to be four next month!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. I loved seeing the pics of your cuties! What is Charlee Jo drinking from Starbucks? I have a little one and never know what to order him ��

    1. I just get her milk! When it’s in a fancy cup it tastes better! ☺️

  2. Your cake baking helpers are adorable! Chatty kids are so fun! It's amazing the things they think of/about. And those flowers are so pretty! Hope you have a great weekend!
