Wednesday, January 6, 2021

2020 Year In Review

 I really expected this post to be quick to put together since we spent most of it in quarantine but I was surprised at how much we did and how many fun memories we made!


We started the new year with birthday month! Travis, Peyton, and Colson each turned another year older. We celebrated Travis with tubing. Peyton had a cereal party! Colson had a friend party at the hot springs. I started making cakes this month and it turned into much more than I ever anticipated. Both boys were cavity free!


Travis and I went to Vegas for a work conference and then made the drive down to Arizona to see my grandparents. Colson received an award at school for his illustration. Colson also received an award for responsibility!


I attended my first cake class. Charlee Jo had kidney surgery to repair a blockage. COVID shut the world down. We did our best to spread some joy.


We celebrated Easter as a family. We entered the world of distance learning. The kids and I participated in a drive by birthday parade for Robbie. Can those stick around?! So much fun! Quarantine got to both of Travis and I and we both lost some hair! And we spent so much time outside.


Charlee Jo turned 1! We celebrated with a One in a Melon party with friends and family! We celebrated Mother's Day. We made it to the last day of school. We began wearing masks everywhere and the boys took turns joining Dad at work! We delivered May Day flowers! Travis built his shed. Kacie and I delivered drinks to friends in quarantine! GG and Papa Les made it home!


 I hosted Kacie's bridal shower. The boys started swimming lessons. Teylir turned 30! We celebrated Father's Day.


Travis and I celebrated 5 years of marriage. We celebrated the 4th of July with friends. Charlee Jo had another successful surgery to remove her stint. We celebrated Kacie for the last time before she got married!


Mike and Kacie got married. I attended Sierra's wedding. Korri came home and we had a barbecue. I got a new car. I went to Lovely Hollow Farm a couple times with friends. We had a back to school  breakfast. We celebrated my Grandpa Les turning 90! Colson went back to school, face-to-face!


Colson had his annual eye exam. Peyton started preschool. Mike took my Grandpa Les on his jet boat. My brother got a promotion at work and Colson was able to go. I attended another cake class.


I was able to start volunteering in Colson's class. Travis went on his annual elk hunting trip and got his elk. He took the boys deer hunting. We went to the Benson's Halloween party. We took family pictures. My mom, aunt, Kacie, and I went on a fun outing to a local winery. I went to Nashville with friends to attend my friend Liza's wedding. I was able to meet an Instagram friend while in Nashville. Charlee Jo had a photo shoot! We went trick or treating for Halloween!


We went to cast our vote for the president. My Grandma and Grandpa went to Arizona for the winter. My Grandpa Warren passed away. We watched Peyton in his Thanksgiving program at Preschool. We celebrated Thanksgiving. I turned another year older.


We went to see Santa! Our elf returned. I hosted my favorite book club of the year. Travis and I attended a favorite things party. We started a new tradition and had the cousins together to decorate cookies. Peyton had his Christmas program. We went and looked at Christmas lights. We celebrated Christmas Eve with Travis's family. We had the best Christmas morning. We celebrated Christmas with my family. We had the best NYE at home.

Happy Wednesday, friends! 

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