Thursday, December 31, 2020

#joceveryday2020 {Wells 51 & 52}

Happy last day of 2020! As we were heading into 2020, I knew there were going to be some challenges and I wanted to challenge myself to find joy in everyday. That is what prompted me to post a picture a day. I knew that Charlee was going to need surgery and we’d have a number of appointments for her. What I didn’t know was 2020 was going to be full of challenges that were going to rock everyone’s world. 

Quarantine challenged all of us and was a personal struggle for me. I love to be around people and to be home daily really pushed me to find joy.

I also lost my Grandpa in November to lung cancer. We found out three weeks prior to loosing him that he had cancer. I was not prepared to say goodbye to him and I’m still trying to learn how to deal with loosing someone so close to me. 

However, 2020 brought great times too. We were able to make amazing memories as a family. Charlee had two very successful surgeries. The boys were able to attend school in person. We have so much to be thankful for as we look back over the year.

Here’s the last two weeks of 2020...

Day 352: Peyton had his music program.

Day 353: we enjoyed looking at lights with Nana and Papa.

Day 354: a trip to see Jo and deliver some apple crisp.

Day 355: time spent together will always be my favorite. Even when it’s pointless trips to Target during the busiest time of year. ❤️

Day 356: Nana and Papa came up for steaks tonight end this girl never stopped eating. At least one of our kids will eat steak!

Day 357: the kiddos were spoiled by Kacie tonight. New jammies!

358: I love watching my kids interact with one another. They all have such different relationships. Charlee Jo and Colson have such a sweet relationship. ❤️

Day 359: ‘Twas the night before Christmas....πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„

Day 360: Merry Christmas from the Webb family!

Day 361: I’m so glad we had enough snow to play in it today! The kids had the best time. Santa must have known we were getting snow when he left the kiddos that sled!

Day 362: a little retail therapy with my favorite girl. πŸ’•

Day 363: it feels AMAZING to have Christmas packed up for another year! Does anyone else feel like their house is empty after taking down their tree?

Day 364: Colson put together the BIG lego set that he got for Christmas today. What I thought was going to take him a few days to put together, took him a couple of hours. This boy loves Legos!

Day 365: πŸ–€

My top nine was spot on! Charlee Jo with her surgeries, my Grandpa Warren, dressing up for Halloween, a first birthday celebration, and time with family!

I hope you can look back and remember wonderful memories from throughout the year! Here’s to 2021!

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