Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Favorites

 It's an EXTRA happy Friday beacause at 3:30, WE'RE ON CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! And how is this the final Friday FAVORITE post of 2020. Back in April, I thought 2020 would never end....

I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika today to share my FAVORITES from this week!

On Monday afternoons, I go into Colson's class to volunteer and this week I stopped to read his letter to Santa...I later asked him what a moon necklace was, but unfortunately, I don't think Santa will be bringing this. Thankfully, the gift Santa is bringing was second on the list...

Seeing his penmanship and creativity is my FAVORITE.

I finished up Christmas shopping this week and everything is wrapped and under the tree!!! (except for the last few items that I'm waiting to arrive.) Being done is my FAVORITE! I also love that I can take this girl along and she has no idea what's happening.....

While I was at Costco this week, I was looking through their selection of children's books. I found one for each of my kids and wrapped them up for Valentine's Day since Christmas shopping is done! We don't do a lot for Valentine's Day but knowing that I'm done is my FAVORITE!!! 

Have you tried these chocolates yet? They are my FAVORITE!!!! I picked them up at Costco for gifts!    A simple bow and done!

While on the topic of Costco, I picked up this blow dryer. I’ve had one in the past but it stopped working a few months ago and Costco had it on sale for $30! It is amazing for fixing my hair straight because it gives it so much body!

This girl’s favorite snack is cucumbers and Boursin cheese!

Coffee dates with Stephanie are my favorite!

I love doing puzzles and this Christmas Kitty puzzle was a FAVORITE! It’s only 500 pieces so it didn’t take long.

Peyton brought home a wrapped present and insisted that it was for him so he opened it and it’s my FAVORITE! I love anything with handprints!

Visits from Ant Theresa are everyone’s favorite!

We dropped some things off to Jo and the kids instantly went to the pantry. Jo’s house is their favorite and I know why!

Charlee Jo learned a new trick this week and watching her get excited about new things is my FAVORITE!

I mean, she’s so proud!

Mikey made this fun activity for the kids to work on and play. I was getting ready and walked out to find the boys coloring together. All the work behind the elf is worth it because of their excitement and times like this. 

Our FAVORITE donut shop is open again and we’re so excited! We delivered to Dad’s work before school!

Peyton had his Christmas program at preschool and watching him was my FAVORITE! He isn’t into all the singing and dancing but we still enjoyed the show!

My kids love play dough but it’s one of my least FAVORITE things to pull out. Hello mess.... Peyton got a new container from his teacher for Christmas I let them play and they had so much fun! Even Charlee joined the fun!

My friend Kacie dropped off this beautiful wreath and it’s my favorite addition to my front porch!

Travis and I took the kiddos to look at some Christmas lights on Monday. They loved it! On Thursday nights, Travis isn’t home so I took the kids after dinner and seeing their reactions are my favorite! I just love this time of year!

I hope you have an awesome weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love you those chocolate caramels from Costco!! They are delicious, and perfect gift!! Last year Costco had these chocolate dipped crunchy Belgium waffles, and we used those for little gifts!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
