Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back to School Breakfast & First Day

Our back to school dinner looked different this year and I think everyone enjoyed it even more! We had breakfast on Sunday and it turned out so good!

I always have so much fun setting the table for this tradition!
I pick up cookies from One Haute Cookie, they taste amazing!

This year Colson requested chocolate chip waffles. We also had strawberries, sausage, and the schoolhouse cookies from Trader Joe’s.

Because it’s a special breakfast, straight whipped cream!

So excited to start second grade!

She’s just happy about the cookie!
And Peyton was sitting next to me, so I never got a picture of him but he enjoyed it also!

I put up a few decorations throughout the house to get the boys excited about heading back to school! 

We’ve been talking about school and answering all of Colson’s questions for weeks now.

We’re so excited to be going to school in person!

Colson’s first day of school was Monday and he was so excited to go! He normally sleeps late but he was up at 6:30!

I can’t believe he’s in second grade!

And because we’re in 2020....we had to make sure to take a picture with the mask on! 

I asked if I could take him to school but he really wanted to ride the bus! Off he goes...


We always go for ice cream on the first day. I love hearing all about his first day! 

After just two days, Colson is so happy to be back and loves his teacher. I’m praying for a great year, no matter what it looks like!

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