Monday, May 18, 2020

Weekend Highlights

Hello! Happy Monday. Today is a very happy Monday in our house because it’s the last Monday of school!!

Friday was full of homework, outside, and making this cake.

I went to drop it off and pick up pizza and it was just enough time in the car for this boy to fall asleep...

He’s so big!

We ordered new patio furniture for the front of our house because we spend a lot of time out there. We previously had rocking chairs and while I love how they looked, they weren’t very comfortable!

The patio furniture was delivered and we had all hands on deck to help assemble it!

Bubble wrap is the best when you’re a kid!

Peyton is the best little helper. He loves helping his dad!

All done and I have a feeling we’re going to use these a lot!

We spent the afternoon painting rocks...

And making another cake...

We have eight peonies and they are blooming like crazy right now!

Travis and I went on a double date Saturday night and it was so nice! I love dates with him!

Our plans for Sunday were ruined from the rain. We had a lazy day and it was perfect!

Sister always seems to find Peyton’s drinks and chugs them!

I found this picture of my mom from when she was 16 months old....I see resemblance, especially in the hair!

I hope you had a great weekeNd! We have such a busy week this week with so much to look forward to!

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