Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weekend Top 10

Happy Monday, friends! We had a good weekend, at home, just like everyone else! :) 

Y'all, we had a lot of snuggles over the weekend! Everyone participated...

Charlee is NOT  snuggler. However, I laid down in my bed around her morning nap time. I knew that she was tired so I brought her in with me. I turned on In the Kitchen with Joanna Gaines (which was great, I'm so excited for their Network!) and she fell asleep. 

The boys finally got to do their dinosaur eggs, I don't even know how long they've been in the top of my kitchen cabinet. They were so excited! Now we have to wait like four days for them to do anything.

We are doing our very best to social distance. However, we had grandparents visit. It was so needed for the kids. They love their grandparents and being able to see them during this time is good.

 Since we're at home more with nowhere to go, I've been making large breakfasts on the weekends. We always have waffles at least once. Saturday morning, Peyton stole my blue light glasses to eat breakfast because he was having trouble seeing. ;)

We love maple bars so on Saturday night I got the crazy idea to make some for breakfast on Sunday!
Peyton wasn't a fan, but we all enjoyed them!

Little sister problems...

Sunday morning we hung out in Charlee's room to let Dad get some sleep. We had every single on of her toys out and played for two hours....

While Mama drank her coffee...

And Charlee showed off her walking skills!

And then I watched the Palm Sunday church service.

I'm so grateful for technology right now. We can "attend" church and still see our family and friends with face-time!

On Friday, I decided to give myself bangs. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile but always talk myself out of it. I guess being locked up in my house finally got to me.

I have HORRIBLE postpartum hair growth around my face and these help to hide those. It’s also a change, which I like.

Every time I had coffee and I wasn’t paying attention, Peyton was stealing it! The boy loves coffee!

The weather gave us a few great opportunities to go outside.
On Friday, we picked up lunch from school because Mama needed a break. The kiddos wanted to eat outside so we had a picnic. 

Then we played with some sidewalk chalk!

And Colson created a game so I played a few rounds with him. I love his creativity!

GG sent the kids $5 and they had to buy something they could share. As soon as the mail came, they agreed they wanted rootbeer floats from Roe Ann’s!

They enjoyed their rootbeer floats and pizza to start the weekend!!

Happy Monday, friends!

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