Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Weekend Recap: Easter Edition

This post has taken so much energy. I wrote it twice on Sunday, once yesterday y and it never saved. The photos uploaded sideways once. And I never could get them to upload to my computer. So...here we are. 
It's up but it's late!

This Easter looked so different from Easters in the past. It was still nice to be with family.

I'm sharing our weekend top ten in hopes of not sharing the hundreds of pictures on my phone from over the weekend.

First up, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen over the weekend. I made eight cakes total last week.

The boys decorated cookies that Aunt Emily gave them. They had so much fun decorating them and eating them!

I'd say these cookies couldn't be cuter! ;)

They also colored Easter eggs! We decorated 18 eggs on Friday and then Dad came home and said we needed more so we did 18 more on Saturday!

The Easter bunny normally hides our eggs while the kids and I are at church so this year he had to hide them the night before with a head lamp!

Friday night the boys had a treat in the living room with a movie!

I was able to watch the Good Friday service at church while they watched their movie.

The service ended with just enough time to get a few snuggles!

The kids woke up at 6:30 so excited that it was Easter....
Peyton and I watched church online...

Made resurrection rolls...

And then Dad woke up so we could see what was in the Easter baskets!

We hunted a lot of Easter eggs....

And then again with Grandma Jo and Papa Kim.

Snuggled way past our bedtime!

But most importantly spent the weekend together with my favorite people!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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