Monday, March 9, 2020

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! This weekend was BUSY! 

Friday started with watching LEAD with BeautyCounter! They did a live broadcasting and it was amazing!

We had our own watch party!

Peyton went and check out his new school! He’s so excited to start pre-k and loved visiting his new school. There were two more boys there at the same time and they played together. It doesn’t seem possible that he’ll be in school!

We made the afternoon all about Peyton! Grabbed a Happy Meal and headed to the park!

Sister loves to swing so she enjoyed the afternoon also!

Sister was happy after nap!

I LOVE when I start my weekend with my laundry room looks like this are the end of the day!

We ended with pizza Friday...

And snuggles in my bed!

After we put the kids to bed we really ended the night with cake in bed! 

Saturday morning I got up early and dressed like it was spring! Off for fun...

At my first cake class! Such a fun morning!

Colson and I raced to a birthday party when I got home!

We had to cancel our evening plans because #tired so the kids and I delivered the dessert to the neighbors!

This was the majority of Travis’s weekend. The boys were always close by.

Sunday morning started EARLY! 
So I practiced making buttercream flowers! 

Travis and the boys worked outside all evening!

I mean....the best! 💙

We had a great weekend but I’m still tired! 
I hope you have a great week!

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