Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Charlee Jo {7 months}

Charlee Jo turned SEVEN months old on Saturday. It's been three months since I did an up date here on the blog. The last few months have been busy and we still have so many unanswered questions regarding Charlee's kidneys that it's hard to come on and share. We still don't have all the answers and life is still busy but I know that I'll want these someday to look back on, so here she is...

Charlee Jo at SEVEN months

We just introduced her to solid foods last month. She has loved everything she's tried so far. She still has three bottles everyday and then occasionally I still give her one if she wakes in the middle of the night. I started with avocado and banana for solid foods but now I just give her some of whatever I'm eating. Like I mentioned, there isn't anything she won't eat. Including french fries!

Big girl in her highchair while we were out to dinner.


Every kid has to try it...right?!


What is sleep??? She is still sleeping on her tummy. Some nights I will just have to get up once and give her the paci, other nights she requires a bottle in order to fall back asleep. Some nights we're up the majority of the night. It's always a guessing game! She is taking two solid naps during the day. One in the morning around 9:30 and another in the afternoon around 1. Sometimes a nap requires me to just hold her, which I do because girlfriends needs sleep!

I feel like she got big overnight. She is sitting unassisted. Army crawling everywhere. Going from the sitting position to the plank position on her own. She can't quite get back into the sitting position but she's close. She also rocks on her hands and knees. She wants to be around her brothers so she does whatever she needs to do to get close to them!

Toys with noises and lights are her favorite. She got some new ones for Christmas and it's been fun to watch her get excited! She loves her brothers' toys so we already have sharing issues!


She went back in for another ultrasound of her kidneys and we go this week for the followup appointment. We have a wonderful pediatric urologist that is monitoring her kidneys and watching them to see what steps we will take next. We know that she is in discomfort due to inflammation, and she takes a medication daily to prevent her from getting another UTI.

Back in October we went in for an MRI to get clear images of her kidneys. They got everything they needed and the doctors didn't feel like she needed surgery right away. They want to continue to monitor her kidneys as she grows in hopes that she can grow out of this.

 Pre MRI - Post MRI
Sweet girl did wonderful!

First Christmas!

The first Christmas is always so magical! Charlee opened up a few presents prior to Christmas and loved getting into the gifts. She was so fun!


Five, Six, and Seven month photo dump!

SEVEN months

Six month doctor wellness visit. 

First ride in the shopping cart!

First Christmas

Always close to her brothers.

SIX Months

FIVE Months

GG made her Halloween costume!

We had her 6 months pictures done right before Christmas and my photographer had the idea of the kids in Christmas jammies. I'm so glad because I love these!!!

Sorry this was such a long post. If you made it this far, yay! Maybe I can stay up on these monthly posts of our girl! Happy Tuesday!

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