Charlee Jo turned four months on September 28th! This last month has been a crazy, emotional, and a huge challenge. I haven't put up this post because this month just wasn't good. I didn't know if I wanted to go into detail about what we've been going through before having all the answers. However, I know people care and we've had so many people ask. So, here is what month four has looked like with our sweet pea!
Charlee Jo at FOUR months
Weight: 13 pounds 5.5 ounces (30th percentile)
Birth: 7 pounds 13 ounces
Height: 24.5 inches (49th percentile)
Birth: 21 inches
Head: 41.5 cm (71st percentile)
Birth: 14.25 inches
Charlee is still eating 6 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours through out the day. I talked to her doctor at her appointment, and we are going to start introducing solid foods this month.
We took away the swaddle this month because she was breaking free. We start her out on her back but she flips over to her tummy. She loves her paci so if she loses it in the night she'll wake up and I've been going back in to give it back to her. So, we haven't really done any self soothing.
Basically, she isn't a good sleeper at all. She's uncomfortable!
Charlee was rolling from her tummy to her back last month. While Travis and I were on vacation, she started rolling like crazy from her back to her tummy. When we got home, she was just rolling around and going from one side of the room to the other side.
We introduced the bumbo this month. She loves to sit up and see what is going on around her.
She still loves her swing but sometimes struggles to see enough. Check out the strength she has!
Always watching her brothers!
Toys and noise seem to really grab her attention. She reacts more and more to toys and objects.
On the fourth of September, Charlee had a high fever so we took her into the doctor. She had also been really fussy for a few days. We weren't sure what was going on with her.
After leaving her pediatrician's office, he sent us to St. Luke's to have some blood work. So, at this point we had a urine sample and blood drawn. We just needed to wait for the results.
Her pediatrician called that evening and let us know they were waiting for us at St. Luke's hospital. She was admitted into the Children's hospital where we spent the next two nights.
She had a UTI and needed antibiotics through an iv. While we were there, she also had an ultrasound.
The ultrasound revealed that she has reflex in her right kidney. It also revealed that she had a spot on her liver that needed further tests.
They released her after three days of antibiotics. She was doing so much better!
She had to take an antibiotic at home for 10 days. Then they switched her antibiotics that she will continue to take that will prevent her from getting more UTIs in the future. Once she finished her antibiotics, we returned to St. Luke's for another ultrasound. She also had a cystogram. The cystogram showed that she actually has reflex in both of her kidneys and a blockage in her right kidney. The ultrasound was to look at her liver in more detail.
We are meeting with great doctors and specialists to make sure she is getting the absolute best care.
She is a trooper and has done amazing with all the tests. As of right now, we don't have a lot of answers but we're trusting the doctors.
Four Month Photo Dump
We love our girl so much!!! We are praying for answers and health!
praying all will be well