Once a month, Erika and Shay host a link-up taking a look at different at little aspects of our lives. I thought I would join this month. It is sharing what a typical day looks like. Since we're in the summer and we have a newborn, I can't say this is "typical" because I don't know what that is. However, I'd say Monday was pretty close to typical! Okay, so here we go....
An early morning feeding...then back down for Charlee.
I made myself a cup of coffee and then I put clothes in the dryer before starting a new load in the washing machine.
Then I headed into shower and get ready for the day myself.
So we headed back outside! Charlee woke up while we were out there so we moved out front so I could sit on the front porch with her!
I made myself a cup of coffee and then I put clothes in the dryer before starting a new load in the washing machine.
Then I headed into shower and get ready for the day myself.
After I finished getting ready, I went to check on all three kids. All three were still sleeping!
I made myself breakfast while I...
unloaded the dishwasher.
Then this boy woke up and came to find me!
The boys requested smoothies for breakfast so I made them each a smoothie.
I sat down at the computer to answer an email and print some forms off that needed to be completed.
We got everyone dressed and beds made. The boys watched a show while I....
Gave Charlee a bottle.
Peyton is never far away from us. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, he always seems to find me. Most of the time he brings toys and plays right at my feet!
We're out the door and headed on a couple errands.
First up was the chiropractor. I've been wanting to go since Charlee was born but the thought of taking three kids to the doctor is terrifying. I decided I just needed to brave it!
Next up, Albertson's for dinner ingredients and Starbucks for coffee!
Home and Charlee went down for a nap so the boys and I headed outside. Swinging, trampoline, kick-ball, tag....we kept busy.
I switched out the laundry again...(seriously, laundry NEVER ends)!
While I was doing laundry and fixing lunch, the boys were exercising!
Peyton stopped long enough to eat lunch!
Sister woke up. I gave Charlee a bottle, notice Peyton? Always near!
Colson is still excising so I put Charlee in her swing to "watch"!
Colson and Charlee were busy, I put Peyton down for a nap, and sat down to write some more thank you cards! I think I'm all caught up now!
Still at it! All this isn't "typical" but he was staying active so I was encouraging it!
Brothers asleep and sister was asleep to so...
I walked to the end of our lane and picked up the mail! Ahhh, a familiar face!
Sister woke up at 3 so she had another bottle before going back to sleep just before 4!
I started a game of Chutes and Ladders with Colson while enjoying an afternoon cup of coffee. Peyton was still asleep and Charlee was taking an afternoon nap!
Travis walked in and surprised me with Reese's, (the first thing he ever gave me while we were dating!) a card, and some beautiful flowers for our anniversary!
Peyton woke up from his nap just as Dad was falling asleep on the couch!
So we headed back outside! Charlee woke up while we were out there so we moved out front so I could sit on the front porch with her!
I started dinner and Peyton drank all of Dad's drink! :)
I grilled on this night since it was our anniversary! We enjoyed some t-bone steaks! It wasn't until Travis and I had been married for two years that I learned to grill and now I love it! The best way to cook dinner during the summer.
Colson helped me clean up dinner and do his chore of taking out the trash!
A shower for these boys was definitely needed.
Followed by a bedtime story in Peyton's bed! Then it was lights out for the boys at 8!
As soon as the boys were in bed, I gave sister a bath! She loves taking a bath.
While I was getting Charlee's pajamas on, GG showed up and the boys heard her so they came running out to give her hugs! Then it was back to bed...
GG gave Charlee her bottle!
And then put her to sleep! I'm so grateful my grandparents are still able to make so many memories with my kids. It's so fun to watch them experience time on the mountain with them!
We ended the night on the couch together watching The Bachelorette.
I always turn Friends on when we go to bed! I love watching an episode before I call it a night!
I took this picture as I turned off the TV! So, I was asleep just after 11:00!
That's a day in the life of us!
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