Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday Tidbits

Happy Tuesday! I thought I'd share about life lately. It is crazy to think we are in the middle of November! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!
Colson had to disguise his turkey for school. We search Pinterest but this was his favorite idea. He loves watching movies and eating popcorn right now so it's perfect!
It is fun to see what all of the kids did to disguise their turkey!
We have been playing a lot of Chutes and Ladders. Not the most fun for adults, but I love this time spent with my family! Colson gets better every time we play. We don't let him win, so he's doing better with his attitude when he doesn't win too.

There is a new Mormon temple in Meridian and last week I went and toured it. It was beautiful. The tours are over, but I'm so glad I was able to see it. The temples aren't open to the public so I took the opportunity because I may never get the opportunity again.

Hallie came over a couple of days last week and she had fun with all my pumpkins! Travis is begging me to "baby proof" the house, so maybe when I decorate for Christmas I will "baby proof"!

Colson is loving basketball. He loves to practice his dribbling. Watching your children participate in something they are passionate about is so fun! He really loves playing and does such a great job at practice.

This boy turned 10 months yesterday and I blogged all about him!

(The crib has been lowered, no worries!)
As of yesterday, I'm done Christmas shopping. I can't even believe it. I have to wrap them, but the shopping is done! Our list was small this year, and I love having it done!
So, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK, what?! I hope everyone has a great day!

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