Happy Friday!
First up...
Peyton's nursery. I was not looking forward to picking out fabric. I didn't think I would be able to find exactly what I envisioned in my head. Well, it was easy!
I'm so happy with all the fabric. I can't wait to see it all come together. That is, once we have a house!

Okay, I can't get enough of this boy! Seriously, he's going to make the best big brother.
I love to listen to him talk.
Some Colson talk for you...
"Mom, Dad works and puts money in the bank and you go get it out."
"Now, I'm the bossy!"
(This comes from us telling him that he is bossy and needs to stop!)
"I want to go to GG's mountain for 15 days."
(He barely lasted 4 nights)
"Baby Peyton, we don't kick people, it isn't nice!"
"Mom, we don't say stupid, but that was a stupid car."
(At least we agree!)
"I hope this works because it smells disgusting!"
(An oil I put on his nose for sniffles)
"I promise I'm not lying."
"Mom, there are birds...boom, boom, boom."
(always pretending to shoot them)
"I like to be stinky and dirty."
"Dad, look, I have hair all over my body. You can't really see it but it's there."
There are so many things I laugh about. He has such an imagination and really puts things together. I need to start writing down things when he says them so I never forget!

My parents recently went to Germany and brought home a coo-coo clock. Colson loves it. It seriously sits and waits for the bird to come out and coo-coo. So, Ms. Tanya had a craft that she sent home with him. We completed it one night and he was so proud. He hung it up right above his bed. However, it (Colson) coo-coos a lot now!
We haven't been to the donut shop in awhile. I'm not really sure why, but Wednesday morning he asked if we could go and get one. So, we did. They didn't have any left with sprinkles so I asked if we could have some and she gave him some to dip. Colson loved it! Donuts are his favorite!
Also, he requested to eat it at Nana's office. And....we went straight to the dentist from there. Great thinking. Pure sugar before the dentist!
Speaking of the dentist! This boy loved it! He did great. He goes to a pediatric dentist so the atmosphere is great. I was worried because he didn't know the hygienist this time but he didn't stop watching the movie long enough to care. He also had to get x-rays and he had no problem with that either. I was extremely proud of him!
The car wash is another Colson favorite! He tells me almost daily that we need to go to the car wash. This is the face of a boy in a carwash!
Until recently, I hated the carwash. Now, I have no idea why they scared me. Especially seeing how much this boy loves them!
We also went to the mall! We needed to go pick up Aunt Emily's birthday present. Shopping is my favorite. And the escalators were Colson's. Since we weren't in a hurry, we rode them up and down a few times. Colson would giggle every time he stepped onto one. It was a fun day!
You all know how much I love pumpkin spice and this shirt was too perfect not to buy! I was told from the local Starbucks that they aren't getting anymore because they are making the switch to their holiday drinks on the 1st of November. In my opinion...pumpkin spice should stick around until the end of November!
We celebrated Aunt Emily's birthday last night! She is one of Colson's favorite people! He was so sweet and asked her for a birthday picture!
Okay, those are my favorite things from the week. This weekend I'm hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch and Colson has a date with Nana to go to the apple orchard.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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