Thursday, September 22, 2016

#joceveryday2016 {Week 38}

 Finally, Friday eve! That's what I'm calling it since I can't wait for the weekend. I have no idea why. I still have to write a paper this weekend. But, something about saying it's the weekend is refreshing to me. Also, we have a date night on Saturday. That's enough to be excited about.
Here's a look at our week.
Day 258: this boy loves construction! #allboy
Day 259: Some days, as hard as we fight it, we need a nap. #perfecttiming #5oclock
Day 260: Lego boy! #iwillforeverbeplayingwithlegos

Day 261: My favorite sight.

Day 262: am I sure I want to teach?!? #kidding #kinda

Day 263: my study partner turned snuggle buddy. #hefoundthebump
Day 264: building Legos with GG. #shelldoanything
I'll have my nose in classroom management the rest of the day. Feel free to send coffee. I'm going to need it. #notimefornaps #givemeallthecoffee

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