Monday, April 4, 2016

Weekend Recap - Running Edition

Happy Monday! This weekend was busy, I'm glad I have today off to get things done.
Friday was an odd day. Colson was not himself all morning. He fell asleep on me and then slept all the way to Dad's work. Normally, he has a TON of energy in the mornings.
He stayed home with Dad and by the time I got home Friday afternoon, he was himself once again!
Exercising while watching cartoons....
Colson went to Nana and Papa's house while Mom and Dad went shopping...

For this.....
I had one very happy husband!
Our TV finally gave out this week and we were somewhat forced to buy a new one.

Saturday morning I got up bright and early to join these ladies on a run!
We had so much fun and I finished! I didn't train at all for it and didn't expect to run the entire thing but slow and steady finished the race! :) 

After the race we indulged!

Saturday night Travis and I had an event to attend so he pulled out his cowboy hat. Colson thought it was awesome and loved wearing it around the house!

I must say, they both look handsome in it!

Sunday morning this cutie enjoyed a pop-up {I didn't know they still made them} while Dad worked.

And then, he got to help his Dad!
{I couldn't get a great picture but that smile!!!}

The guys came home and washed all of our cars!

And Colson and Dad went to the park!

We ended with the ACM awards, steak from the barbeque, and cocktails. The weather couldn't have been any better this weekend!
Colson has been completely his chore charts every week and so his reward is a new toy. Papa took him to D & B over the weekend and so he asked to go back and get another baby animal. So, that's what we did! So proud of him for completing his chore chart!

And this is my view...wishing I was back in Hawaii with a cocktail in cup instead of coffee and my feet in the sand instead of my running shoes....

but, we have a lot going on this week and I'm looking forward to all the fun!

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