Thursday, May 8, 2014

5 on Friday

Happy Friday everyone!

Some highlights from our week and things we are looking foward to include:

My grandparents, Colson's Great-Grandparents made it home last night!!! We love seeing them and are very excited we get them for the summer. :)
My grandma brought home this solar bee/flower and Colson thought it was the greatest!

Sunday is Mother's Day and Christopher and I are taking our mom's to brunch at Brick 29. They have the best brunch!

I helped host a baby shower for a co-worker today!

Next week is finals week for me. Thank goodness! I'm looking forward to being done with this semester.

Green smoothies! Colson and I love a good smoothie and I've been mixing up the fruit I put in these bad boys. Yummy! I love that Colson loves them and they are so good for him!

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